Page of the Day
Page of the Day! Justice League vs. Suicide Squad with Superman and Rick Flag Jr.! He controls Superman with the use of the Heart of Darkness, a black diamond that unleashes the demonic spirit Eclipso.
Read MoreReturn of wolverine 5 original art
Return of wolverine 5 original art sales will be available at 5pm Wednesday feb 20. All 30 pages will be available on my website or and can arrange to be signed by Steve and myself if you can wait a little bit for delivery. We have chosen to sell them together through my website and are available on a first to purchase basis. Intl shipping is available, but please submit an inquiry regarding shipping charges. Some regions are already set up with shipping costs for intl shipping so feel free to add to cart and see if your area is covered.
New Newsletter for Jay Leisten![UNIQID]
outrage chapter 24 now live!
Man things are sure getting exciting on the interwebs! What will happen noew that our hero has gotten an update? No more bugs in this program thats for sure! Oh, Uh wait theres definitely bugs….